In complete mode the user contacts us and directly sends the whole model, asking to design all possible nodes, or, however, a sufficiently wide set (higher than 50 nodes). The set of nodes is chosen selecting them in jnode view: the jnodes turn yellow (see example here below).
The files to be sent (via we-transfer) are the following:
- The model of the structure (file .CSE). In the model will be embedded the design-criteria choices made by the user. Therefore, before sending the model:
- Make the choice about the member forces to be used for the design (select the jnodes and then execute the command Automation-Automatic Design-Member forces).
- Choose the design-criteria (command Automation-Automatic Design-Set)
- Choose the standard that must be used (select the jnodes and then execute the command Automation-Selected Renodes Check-Set).
- The binary files with the member forces (.SDB), the displacements (.DDB) and the constraint reactions (.RDB) if the model has been imported by an external fem program.
- If the model has been imported from STAAD, the STAAD file STAAD .STD and the conversion file .STD.TXT.
- It is suggested to zip all files and to send them via we-transfer to staff@steelconnection.design after pre-emptively contact our technical office, always by email.
The automatic design is made by us, using CSE ENTERPRISE.
By email, it is agreed a fee before the execution of the automatic design. The fee is set as a discounted cost per token. The discount is higher for higher numbers of joints to be designed.
It is not possible to say a priori how many nodes will be completely designed. The upper limit, clearly, is the number of selected nodes.
You will receive the model with all the nodes that have been completed, the pertinent result files, and all the PDF reports of the nodes designed and checked.
Clearly, since all the structure is examined, and the sending by FTP of single files, for each node, is avoided, the processing time is lower.
To have an idea of the time needed, consider the following example, which run here by us.
Example | |
Number of nodes | 1,404 |
Number of elementary joints | 3,229 |
Average number of joints per node | 2.3 |
Number of combinations | Worst 24*nm (1) |
Design time selecting all the 1,404 nodes | 2,403 seconds |
Average design-time per node | 1.71 seconds |
Number and percentage of nodes completely designed | 1,275 (90,8%) |
Number and percentage of designed joints | 3,063 (94.8%) |
Nodes left completely blank | 50 (3.6%) |
Nodes solved appropriately and percentage | 1,290 (91.9%) |
Nodes unsolved because having problems (2) | 64 (4.6%) |
Nodes that pass all the checks | 1,262 (90.2%) |
Nodes that do not pass all the checks (3) | 28 (1.71%) |
Time needed to re-check the nodes | 1,798 seconds |
Average checking time per node | 1.28 seconds |
This means that it is in principle possible to send the structure in the morning and to get the designs in the afternoon.