Paolo Rugarli Calcolo Strutturale con gli Elementi Finiti
EPC Libri 2023
It is the second edition of the book published in 2003 that explains how the finite element method works.

Paolo Rugarli Steel Connection Analysis
John Wiley & Sons, 2018
This book is about steel connections. The treatment is innovative and describes how you can tackle with a general approach the analysis and check of steel connections, both bolted and welded. The book, in English, is the result of a research lasting almost 20 years. This book describes the theoretical background of the software CSE.
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The chapters are:
1. Introduction
2. Jnodes
3. A model for connection
4. Renodes
5. The pillars of connection analysis
6. Connectors: weld layouts
7. Connectors: bolt layouts and contact
8. Failure modes
9. Analysis: hybrid approach
10. Analysis: pure fem approach
11. Conclusions
Appendix 1: conventions and recalls
Appendix 2: tangent stiffness matrix of fillet-welds
Appendix 3: tangent stiffness matrix of bolts in shear

Paolo Rugarli Validazione Strutturale, vol. 1: Aspetti Generali
EPC Libri 2014
This book if fully about the Validation of Structural Models and Analyses. The problem of Validation is faced with an interdisciplinary approach, of wide range. The book is a serious effort to frame a matter wide and complex.
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The chapters are:
1. The context
2. Probability
3. Reasoning and decoding
4. Validation
5. Errors
6. Features of a standard model
7. Fingerprints
8. Means of control
9. The seismic standard case
Paolo Rugarli Structural Analysis with Finite Elements
Thomas Telford – ICE 2010
It is the English version of Calcolo Strutturale con gli Elementi Finiti
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More information and a more extended list of Castalia’s publications (other books and papers) can be found in these web pages: