Automatic design of special nodes
On request, we can assure that the Service can automatically design practically every possible type of node.
Imagine that the company Alpha LTD produces some repetitive special steel types, and that therefore it has some “its” nodes that must design regularily, changing, however, the load cases and the cross-section sizes.
It is possible to write to to asking to create the necessary parameterizations, so that the service “covers” also the particular nodes that Alpha LTD uses.
Every company having a recurrent connection design problem, and that uses pre-defined, recurrent typologies, might ask that the parameterizations needed to automate the design of its typologies are prepared by us.
FEM analyses

Among the special services we provide, we can also analyze by full FEM simple or complex nodes. In this case we will use our software CSE, and we will execute for you the needed finite element checks considered necessary. This, both in linear or not-linear range, as you wish. By using CSE Reader you will be able to look and study results.
Whole structures
We can execute the automatic design of whole structures, tackling the problem for you. In this case, instead of sending the nodes disjointly, by CSE Reader, using we-transfer you can send the whole structure as imported by you in CSE Reader (the following files are enough: model.cse, model.sdb, model.ddb, model.rdb). We will then send to you the structure with the designed nodes, and you will be able to look at it by using CSE Reader…