To install CSE Reader is first of all needed to download
the zip file of the program (version 64 bit). The zip file is about 500 megabytes, and also embeds the Sargon demo and the Sargon Reader versions at 32 and 64 bit.
The program Sargon Demo, free, is limited to 50 nodes but fully functional, meaning that using it, it is possible to model and analyze structures up to 50 nodes, and it is natively interfaced with CSE Reader. Therefore using Sargon demo:
- You can describe FEM models up to 50 nodes, with the wished load cases and combinations (simple beams, continuous beams, portal frames, truss-works, et cetera). 18 thousands cross-sections are available.
- You can run static and dynamic analyses.
- You can get member forces and displacements.
- You can import the Sargon Demo model into CSE Reader, to design nodes.
Sargon Reader, which must not be confused with Sargon Demo, can be useful to see the FEM models of the nodes that CSE can create on request (usually the approach of the Service uses, instead, closed formulae).
Once the large zip file has been downloaded, you should:

- Unzip the zip file in an empty folder that does not contain the original zip file.
- Select the file setup_english.exe file by the right mouse button.
- Choose Execute as Administrator from the drop down menu.
- Press the Install button in the opened dialog, closing, possibly, the text window opened with the readme.txt file content.
The installation folder is arbitrary. We however suggest to keep c:\CSEREADER.
The large zip file, once unzipped in an empty folder, is the image of the installation DVD. If you master a DVD with this folder content, this DVD is a useful tool to install CSE Reader wherever you wish.
In order to complete the installation you must receive the CSE.STS file, that customizes Your CSE Reader copy, so that it can exchange information with our server.
This CSE.STS file will have to be copied, overwriting the identical file existing in the installation folder, after the installation of the program. Your version of the CSE.STS file will have to be saved also for back up purposes (future installations of newer CSE Reader version will overwrite your customized copy).
The file CSE.STS will be sent to you after the first token-recharge will be asked, whenever we will know your invoicing data, so that a unique alphanumerical ID could be issued.