- What must I do before sending the nodes to the Service?
- You must choose the design criteria by the command Automation-Automatic Design-Set.
- You must choose the standard and the language of the listing, selecting the jnodes-renodes of interest and executing the command Automation-Selected Renodes Check-Set. By using the same command you can set the values of gamma factors and set if you wish extended or reduced listing.
- You must also decide the member forces.
- If the model has been imported from outside you select all jnodes and execute the command Automation-Automatic Design-Member Forces, chosing preferably the worst 24 combinations for each member or as an alternative, all the combinations.
- If instead the nodes have been defined inside the program CSE Reader, then you must activate the renode view of each node, one by one, and use the command Check-Member Forces, setting the values of the member forces to be used for the design.
- But materially, how do I send the nodes to ask for their design?
- It’s very simple. Once the problem has been described using CSE Reader, you should select the nodes that you wish be designed, and then execute the command File-Send to Service. You must have an active Internet connection, and it is necessary that your copy of CSE Reader has been customized, as it happens once you have received the CSE.STS file.
- If in CSE Reader the whole structure has been imported, the nodes (jnodes in our terminology) are ready and unsolved, and it will be sufficient to select them while the jnode view is active (see picture).
- If instead the node has been described entirely inside CSE Reader, the situation is the same, you will only have to select the node described manually.
- What kind of nodes can I send?
- The service is fully automatic, and it is therefore thought for standard nodes (see the different joint typologies available). CSE Reader automatically discards the nodes that cannot be designed, unselecting them..
- What happens if I send to the Service nodes that are totally out of the scope of those that can be designed automatically?
- Nodes such that no joint can be designed because out of scope, are not sent, they are discarded.
- And what if some joint can be designed and others are not?
- When the nodes are sent, if there are selected nodes where some joints can be designed and others not, the program asks if those nodes must be discarded from the request or not. The user chooses whether to send them or not.
- How do I understand which are the available joints?
- The best is to browse the section available joints.
- Can I ask to be helped in the design of not typical nodes?
- Yes, of course this is possible, and the cost will be determined in the offer. In some cases, however, we can consider that the joints not yet covered are of general interest, and then we can prepare in a reasonable amount of time, the requested parameterizations (missing joint types). In this case it’s better to send us an email.