We Design Your Connections
Since year 2000 Castalia srl researches Steel Connection Analysis, developes the cutting-edge software CSE, acts as consultant, and writes papers and books.
Now we put at Your disposal our Know How.

In short
Temporary Note
Translation of the movie-lessons is ongoing…
CSE READER has English Interface and Documentation
The Reader version of CSE is given for free. It enables to easily describe steel connection problems, and to examine with care all the results
On demand Design Service
Using CSE Reader and with an active Internet Connection, you can send to our servers your requests, and then receive the designed and checked connections, with also the PDF report.
Design mode
The design is made verifying that all applicable checks are passed. The checks use crystal clear closed formulae, easily understandable by everyone.
Using CSE Reader it is also possible to send whole structures, asking to design connections (all nodes or part of the nodes). Discount are applied for large amounts.
Cost of the Service
The Service is paid by joint, that is for each designed joint (a joint is the connection between a master and a slave, or between a master and a constraint block). The amount is fixed, and it is subtracted by the credit, joint by joint.
Credit buy
You can buy set of tokens, for the amount wished. These are recharges that enable You to access the automatic Design Service.
Connection Study Environment CSE
Born at the end of the 90s it has been the first software in the world to automate the creation of finite element analysis models of generic connections. It opened a new path for connection analysis, that has later been followed by other software houses, in Italy and Abroad.
Since y 2020 it has introduced the automation of design based on closed formulae approach and design criteria. This capability is exposed for the first time during 2024, with the aim to provide an on demand, real-time, low-cost automated steel connection design service .
Complex nodes
They are designed automatically.
- On the basis of design criteria set up by You
- For all the Load Combinations you wish.
- Using Eurocode 3 or AISC-LRFD.

Elementary Typical Joints
- The automatic design is based on typical joints.
- The library of typical joints covered is expanding continuously.
- Many typical joints like beam-to-beam, beam-to-column (hinge and moment), horizontal and vertical-bracings, splices, posts, are already available.